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EaziDuzit412 ft. G Wiz - Pressure

Animelic Productions


Pep Kravitz - Boar

D.T.O.W Records

Mr. W!seguy - JUST4U

The Blunted Gen!us

E Lang (Owner/Producer)

is a small rap/hip-hop production company based out of Pittsburgh and Greensburg, PA. Inspired by our featured artist, EaziDuzit412, we created this company from the ground up with very minimal resources. Together, we knew music was our true passion and over time with practice, repetition, and minor setbacks that we had to overcome, we managed to improve our techniques and began pushing out songs and mixtapes to develop a name for ourselves. We are building diamonds from scratch and working to upgrade our quality as we go. Our hopes of expanding are high and our mission is to take our music to the next level, standing out from the crowd with a unique style!

EaziDuzit412 (Owner/Artist)

Pep Kravitz ft. Trippy Doo - Trill (Video) 

Valleytainment Productionz

Mixtape Monsters

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Lyrical Animals!

About Us

Music has always been our passion! After EaziDuzit412's vicious attack in 2012, leaving him paralyzed from the neck down, he knew music was the one thing he was destined to be great at. He wrote lyrics upon lyrics, day by day, until he had enough material to start forming his own mixtapes. After losing my niche for rapping and songwriting over the years, I began finding a new passion for beat making and song producing. Eazi and I had talked about making a mixtape happen over the years after his injury, but nothing was moving in the direction that we had planned. Finally, in 2017, we reunited again and I had stepped my game up! I purchased a cheap, Dell laptop along with the FL Studio program, ordered a somewhat decent microphone that I could afford, and soon enough our chemistry came together and we began busting out songs for his Nightmarez mixtape. Throughout the process of all that, we came up with the name Animelic, which stemmed from our inner animal-like emotion. The art of turning our expressions into music drove out the idea of starting our own production company. We plan to work together for a long time and meet new people. Our goal is to make hits and develop a solid business foundation!

Make a name for yourself!

We seek talented, motivated artists and producers who are hard working and professional about their music. Join our team and together we will change the game!

E Lang Beats - Mad Scientist Vol. 1

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Original rap/hip-hop beats created by owner and producer E Lang.

The first mixtape created by Animelic Productions. Special thanks to Pep Kravitz

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